SCARF leaflet
14 Jan 2020
- Evelyn Greeves



A leaflet about SCARF, a high performance computing cluster providing compute for data analysis across a wide range of fields.


​SCARF is used to perform complex modelling and data analysis.


​SCARF is a high performance computing (HPC) cluster dedicated to providing compute for STFC facilities and their users. Hosted by STFC’s Scientific Computing Department, SCARF represents a significant capital investment in HPC and assists analysis of data supporting groundbreaking research across a wide range of fields. Hardware is purchased yearly and added seamlessly to the existing cluster, to ensure it remains a state-of-the-art resource.

​For more information, find and download the SCARF leaflet here: SCARF flyer.pdf

Contact: Greeves, Evelyn (STFC,RAL,SC)