I joined the STFC Graduate Scheme in 2020 after completing a masters in Applied Mathematics at Imperial College London. As part of the graduate scheme, I have undertaken four SCD project rotations in teams in the Systems and Software Infrastructure Divisions. In SCD, I have undertaken projects in the Cloud Operations Group, Scientific Machine Learning (SciML), Computational Mathematics, and the Distributed Computing Infrastructure Group.
In the Cloud Operations Group I investigated, tested, and documented new OpenStack Components in the Cloud. In the SciML group I worked on developing a benchmark in the Fourier Domain and in the Computational Mathematics Group I worked with the team to develop a global optimization algorithm to improve the fitting of inelastic neutron scattering spectra. In my final SCD project rotation, I developed migration scripts and documentation for migrating data from a legacy database to a new database.
I am currently undertaking a 3-month external placement in the Development team in CEDA (Centre for Environmental Data Analysis) in RAL Space working on the Arrivals service. At the end of my project in CEDA I will start my long-term role within the Cloud Operations Group in SCD as a DevOps Engineer. Alongside my projects I am also a mentor for the Public Engagement Remote3 Project, mentoring a team to design, build and program LEGO Mindstorms robots that will be tested in the Mars Yard at Boulby Underground Laboratory.