A headshot photograph of Karen McIntyre

Mrs Karen McIntyre

Job Title
Office Phone Number
Office Location
RAL R92,1.22
Mobile Phone Number

​​​Karen has been working within SCD since 2007 originally in Computational Science and Engineering Department before its merger with e-Science to form the Scientific Computing Department. She currently works as Project Administrator for the CCP4 group.  She has responsibility for customer relationships management for the CCP4 Academic and Commercial licencees, the non-scientific organisation of the annual CCP4 Study Weekend, managing the various contracts with CCP4's external collaborators, and ensuring the smooth running of the many CCP4 funded workshops held across the world including liaising with hosting institutions.​

 Alongside the other members of the SCD Admin team, Karen enables the scientists across SCD to get the important science done by ensuring that they can focus on their area whilst she focusses on the bigger picture so that department is able to run smoothly.

Karen lives in South Oxfordshire with her husband and twin sons and enjoys running, reading, listening to music, and tap dancing in her spare time.

Tel: 01244 445790
