CIUK 2024 Poster Competition
10 Jun 2024





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Selected posters will be displayed physically at the conference and also online, as well as being included in the official conference proceedings.  We plan to display selected posters online from Monday 4 November and physically at the conference on 5-6 December, where a panel of judges will select their winning poster. The winner will be announced before the final session on the afternoon of Friday 6 December.

All selected posters should be displayed physically at the conference before 9:30am on Thursday 5 December. CIUK is not responsible for printing any selected posters - all posters must be printed by the applicant. Selected poster presenters will receive FREE entry to the conference. 

Important deadlines:

  • Sunday 27 October – deadline for submission of abstracts
  • w/c Monday 4 November – applicants informed of panel decision
  • From Monday 4 November posters uploaded to CIUK 2024 website
  • Thursday 5 December posters displayed at CIUK 2024
  • Friday 6 December ​ competition winner announced.

Please note that the poster competition is restricted to undergraduate and graduate students plus early career researchers (within 5 years of qualification).​

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Contact: Computing Insight UK