CIUK 2023 Breakout Sessions
25 Jul 2023








The following breakout sessions have now been confirmed for CIUK 2023:

​Thursday 7 December

09:30 - 12:30​
CIUK Breakout Room​
ExCALIBUR Project Overview and Update​
Thursday 7 December​
​12:30 - 13:30
CIUK Breakout Room​
Technical / SysAdmin Meetup​
Thursday 7 December​
14:00 - 16:00​CIUK Breakout Room​
Storage Scale User Group​
​Friday 8 December
08:30 - 10:30​
CIUK Breakout Room​
Women in HPC Breakfast​
Friday 8 December​
11:30 - 13:30​
CIUK Breakout Room​
​Examples, Challenges and Opportunities for Industrial use of High-Performance Computing and Scalable Artificial Intelligence

Full details of each session can be found below:

ExCALIBUR Project Overview and Update: Organiser Phil Hasnip (University of York)
An overview of the Exascale Computing ALgorithms & Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research (ExCALIBUR) project. ExCALIBUR is a UK research programme that aims to deliver the next generation of high-performance simulation software for the highest-priority fields in UK research. It started in October 2019 and will run through until March 2025, redesigning high priority computer codes and algorithms to meet the demands of both advancing technology and UK research. Come along and hear abou the project and its progress so far.

Technical / SysAdmin Meetup: Organiser Simon Atack (Bristol Unversity)
A meeting for techncial staff and systems administrators to discuss the latest topics in the field and share information and ideas.

Storage Scale User Group: ​Organiser Laurence Horrocks-Barlow (OCF)
Annual CIUK Storage Scale  (GPFS/Spectrum Scale) usergroup.This breakout session is a community lead and influenced platform aimed towards providing Scale Storage updates user feedback and user case studies to the research, educational and scientific communities.Previous years have included product road maps, development q&a sessions and deep dives into the a range of use cases.The session aims to provide a informational and feedback platform for all users (new or experienced) of the product whether through direct or OEM licencing and appliances.In 2022 the current chair announced they were stepping down into a more assistive position due to work requirements, since this time OCF Limited have been assisting from an organisational point of view working with the community and Storage Scale providers to organise community events.

Women in HPC Breakfast: Organiser Cristin Merrit (Alces Flight)
Join us for the 2nd Annual Women in HPC UK Chapters Breakfast at CIUK 2023! We invite all members, friends, and allies to Manchester Central on December 8th, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM, for a delightful morning of networking and empowering discussions on diversity and inclusion in the supercomputing industry.

Distinguished Speaker for the 2023 WHPC Breakfast: Teresa Schofield
Get ready to be inspired by our distinguished speaker, Teresa Schofield, a pioneering chip designer, electronic engineer, and passionate advocate for women in technology. Teresa will share her insights in her talk, “How to Respond to the Opportunity in Emerging Technologies,” drawing from her experiences and lessons learned in the world of engineering. Her journey, from audio technologies enthusiast to empowering women in underrepresented communities, promises to be enlightening.

Lyceum Discussion – Featuring the 2023 CIUK Keynote Speaker!
Following Teresa’s talk, engage in our WHPC Lyceum discussion featuring Melyssa Fratkin, the 2023 CIUK Keynote Speaker from TACC in the USA (and the WHPC Texas Chapter!). This interactive panel encourages audience participation, providing a platform for diverse voices to contribute their ideas and experiences on inclusivity in HPC.

Breakfast details at-a-glance:
8:30 AM Refreshments avalable
8:45 AM – Welcome
8:55 AM – Distinguished Speaker, Teresa Schofield
9:30 AM – WHPC Lyceum
10:15 AM – Wrap-Up
10:30 AM – Close​

Examples, Challenges and Opportunities for Industrial use of High-Performance Computing and Scalable Artificial Intelligence: Organiser Richard Anderson (STFC Haretree Centre)
​At the STFC Hartree Centre we specialise in developing and applying HPC and scalable AI related solutions to industry to increase productivity, to understand the behaviour of products (and systems) and to create solutions for the future.  In this CIUK breakout session we aim to inform participants of the potential that can be achieved through the use of HPC and AI in different industry sectors. We will discuss case studies detailing the use of HPC and AI for sectors such as materials, automotive, aerospace, energy and life sciences, for example.  We will invite representatives of other centres such as DiRAC, University of Cambridge, EPCC, and University of Bristol to outline also their approaches to working with industry to give CIUK participants an overview of the potential for the uptake of HPC and AI in industry across the UK. We will describe the challenges brought to us, the solution’s we applied and key learnings resulting from the completed projects. Following this, we will host discussion on the perceived challenges, opportunities, and routes to adoption associated with using HPC and AI for industry application.  We aim to provide an environment to allow industry participants (or other likeminded and curious individuals) to ask questions about the work carried out to inform their own journey with these methods. Our goal is to enable participants to begin to understand what is possible and to develop a confidence that enables them to engage HPC and AI related activities for the future. Further to building the knowledge of industrial application, we will also discuss the barriers to adoption and implementation into a production environment. We would also like to obtain participant feedback from the session from those who have used HPC and AI in their own work and to provide a report back to the CIUK organisers who can use this information as a basis for informing and enabling improvement of the UK HPC infrastructure and support.  

A potential agenda may look like the following:  
* Introduction to the breakout (our aims goals and house rules)
* Industry sector case studies
* Challenges in applying HPC and AI to industry challenges and how to overcome (at least some) of these
* Opportunities in using HPC and AI
* General discussions and feedback from participants who have engaged with HPC and AI


Don't forget that we also have a series of meetings and training courses taking place on C​IUK 2023 Day Zero on Wednesday 6 December.

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Contact: Computing Insight UK