CCP4 Annual Study-Weekend 2018
21 Feb 2018



The annual study weekend 2018 was held at the University of Nottingham.





Almost 400 people attended the collaborative computational study project CCP4 annual study weekend this year which, just to confuse us, ran from Wednesday 10th - Friday 12th January.  The event was a great opportunity for crystallographers to shake off the post-New-Year torpor and get together with existing and potential new colleagues and collaborators during the three days of interactive knowledge exchange and networking sessions. 

CCP4 study weekend.jpgSpeakers and participants came from as far afield as Taiwan, the USA and Japan as well as Europe and the UK for the event, which had a theme of 'Multi and Serial Crystal Data Collection and Processing'.  Talks focused  largely on the methodology being used and the latest knowledge coming from projects, and there was also a 'software fair' where CCP4 developers could demonstrate the latest software available. The majority of feedback from both participants and speakers gave either 'very good' or 'excellent' ratings for all aspects of the event, with one participant commenting,"I really like that it's an excellent opportunity for younger crystallographers like myself to learn a lot of new things, but it's also a great platform for more well-established crystallographers to keep up to date."

Contact: O'Sullivan, Marion (STFC,RAL,SC)