Ada Lovelace Centre
10 Feb 2023







ALC.pngThe Ada Lovelace Centre (ALC) is a centre of expertise in research software engineering and data management, helping STFC national facilities (Diamond Light Source, Central Laser Facility, ISIS neutron and muon source) and closely linked departments and institutes (STFC Scientific Computing, Rosalind Franklin Institute) to maximise their scientific and economic impact along all parts of the data chain. For example, ALC will help to develop machine learning techniques to efficiently filter high value data at the beamline, advanced simulation techniques to interpret analysed data, and implement long term curation and re-use of aggregated data.

​The ALC will operate as a major programme that sits structurally within STFC Scientific Computing. The full programme and associated management and governance are currently being established. More information will be available soon. ​



Contact: Jackson, Philip (STFC,RAL,SC)