07.27.2022 - Dr. Astrid Schneidewind - DAta for PHoton and Neutron Experiments – DAPHNE4NFDI – making neutron and photon da
15 Jul 2022





​Dr. Astrid Schneidewind, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Host: Vasily Bunakov, Data Science and Technology, SCD

​Wednesday 27th July 2022 at 14:00-15:00​

DAta for PHoton and Neutron Experiments – DAPHNE4NFDI – making neutron and photon data sustainable and FAIR

DAPHNE4NFDI is a project bringing together the users and the facilities in neutron and photon research for their data management. Funded by DFG within the German National Research Data Infrastructure initiative (NFDI), it is imbedded in the European photon and neutron (PaN) landscape not only by individual scientific cooperation, but builds up on the results of PaNOSC and ExPaNDS projects and help to sustain them, too.

The DAPHNE consortium itself is organized along the PaN data workflow by task areas, with more than eighty individual participating scientists from several universities and research centers, covering a large variety of scientific fields. To show the benefit of FAIR data to the scientific community, 11 use cases (pilot projects) on very different topics started defining metadata for their method, testing electronic lab books (ELN), specifying needs and wishes for reference data bases and (meta)data catalogues. The results are discussed in and between the task areas to find the suitable variety of tools and standards for the community.

At the facilities, the (meta)data infrastructure is already installed or under development, but needs the interaction with scientists for further steps to ensure user-friendliness and suitability. Software catalogues and software supply are under discussion, as well as making the data AI-capable.

The talk will inform about the project and relate its ideas to the scientific and infrastructure environment on German and European level.

Contact: Lomas, Georgia (STFC,DL,SC)