Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Thomas Horsch
STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Keckwick Ln
Daresbury, Cheshire WA4 4AD
Phone: +44 1925 86 4318
Office: DL B76
The ongoing transformation of industrial practice by cyber-physical systems is facilitated by a growth of the available computational resources and by developments in quantitatively reliable materials modelling and simulation. New disciplines and fields are emerging.
Computational molecular engineering is the discipline that applies molecular modelling and simulation to predict thermodynamic properties for
process data technology.
I graduated with a Diplom degree in computer science from the University of Stuttgart (2006) and with a doctorate in mechanical engineering from the University of Paderborn (2010). In 2011, I was appointed as a junior professor at TU Kaiserslautern, where I obtained the habilitation degree in computational engineering (2016). In 2018, I joined STFC Daresbury Laboratory as a computational data scientist.
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