Since my student years I have been interested in measuring the performance of parallel computers. I have worked on well over twenty EU and UK funded projects covering a wide range of topics such as benchmarking of HPC, security modelling and semantic research. By joining the SciML group at STFC-RAL I'll be working on my favourite topic of benchmarking machine learning applications and investigating the performance of large scale GPU systems.
Books - Authored
Hey, T; Papay, Gy. The Computing Universe: A Journey Through a Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 2014, 397p.
Books - Edited
Addis, M; Boniface, M; Papay, J; Servin, A; Zlatev, Z; Kousiouris, G. Modelling and Analysing QoS for Real-time Interactive Applications on the Cloud. Achieving Real-Time in Distributed Computing: From Grids to Clouds. ICI Global Books, 2011.
Moreau, L; Luck, M; Miles, S; Papay, J; K. Decker, K; Payne, T. Agents and the Grid: Service Discovery, in Methodologies and Software Engineering for Agent Systems -- The Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Handbook, pp. 413-430, published by Kluwer, ISBN 1402080573, 2004.
Journal Papers
Arfaoui, G ; Bisson, P; Blom, R, ; Borgaonkar, R; Englund, H; Félix, E; Klaedtke, F; Nakarmi, P; Näslund, M; O'Hanlon, P ; Papay, J; Suomalainen, J; Surridge, M; Wary, J-P; Zahariev, A. A security architecture for 5G networks. In: IEEE Access. 2018.
Cucinotta, T; Checconi, F; Kousiouris, G; Konstanteli, K; Gogouvitis, S; Kyriazis, D; Varvarigou, T; Mazzetti, A; Zlatev, Z; Papay, J; Boniface, M; Berger, S; Lamp, D; Voith, T; Stein, M. Virtualised e-Learning on the IRMOS real-time cloud. In: Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 2012; Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 151-166.
Wroe, C; Goble, C; Goderis, A; Lord, P; Miles, S; Papay, J; Alper, P; Moreau, L. Recycling Workflows and Services through Discovery and Reuse. In: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2006; Vol. 19. pp. 181-194.
Hey, T; Papay, J; Surridge, M; Gurd. The Role of Performance Engineering Techniques in the Context of the Grid. In: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2005; Vol. 17, No. 2-4. pp. 297-316.
Wroe, C; Goble, C; Greenwood, M; Lord, P; Miles, S; Papay, J; Payne, T; Moreau, L. Automating Experiments Using Semantic Data on a Bioinformatics Grid. In: IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2004; Vol. 19, No. 1. pp. 48-55.
S. Miles, J. Papay, T. Payne, M. Luck and L. Moreau. Towards a Protocol for the Attachment of Metadata to Service Descriptions and its Use in Semantic Discovery, Scientific Programming 12(4), pp. 201-211, 2004.
Miles, S; Papay, J; Dialani, V; Luck, M; Decker, K; Payne, T; Moreau, L; Jarvis. Personalised grid service discovery. In: IEE Proceedings Software: Special Issue on Performance Engineering. 2003; Vol. 150, No. 4. pp. 252-256.
Hey, A.J.G.; Papay, J. Performance engineering, PSEs and the GRID. In: Scientific Programming. 2002; Vol. 10, No. 1. pp. 3-17.
Floros, N; Hey, A J G; Meacham, K; Papay, J; Surridge, M; Predictive resource management for meta-applications. In: Future Generation Computer Systems. 1999; Vol. 15. pp. 723-734
Papay, J., Atherton, T.J., Zemerly, M.J., & Nudd, G.R. Performance Prediction of Parallel Self Consistent Field Computation. Journal of Parallel Algorithms Appl., 10, 127-143, 1996.
Papay, J; Zemerly, M.J; Nudd, G.R; Pipelining the Givens Linear Solver on Distributed Memory Machines, Supercomputer Journal, Vol XII, no. 3, pp 37-43, 1996.
Zemerly, M.J; Papay, J; and G. R. Nudd, G.R. Characterization Based Bottleneck Analysis of Parallel Systems, Supercomputer Journal, Special Issue, Vol XI, no. 4, September 1995, pp 89-101.
J.Strelec, J.Papay. Transputer and its instruction set. Automatizace, No.8, 1989, pp.209-212.
Conference Papers – Refereed
Boniface, M, Fair, Ns, Modafferi, S, Papay, J. (2020) Security Implications of Interoperability. In Proceedings of the Workshops of I-ESA 2020. 2020, pp. 5.
Surridge, M; Meacham, K; Papay, J; Phillips, S; Pickering, B; Shafiee, A; Wilkinson, S. Modelling compliance threats and security analysis of cross border health data exchange. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, 2019.
Surridge, M; Correndo, G; Meacham, K; Papay, J; Phillips, S; Wiegand, S; Wilkinson, T. Trust Modelling in 5G mobile networks. SecSoN '18 : Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Security in Softwarized Networks: Prospects and Challenges. New York, NY : ACM, 2018. pp. 14-19.
Correndo, G; Crowle, S; Papay, J; Boniface, M. Enhancing marine industry risk management through semantic reconciliation of underwater IoT data streams. SEMANTiCS 2016: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems. ACM, 2016. pp. 161-168.
Boniface, M; Inglesant, P; Papay, J. Counting the cost of FIRE - overcoming barriers to sustainable experimentation facilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013. pp. 297-309.
Engen, V; Papay, J; Phillips, S; Boniface, M. Predicting application performance for multi-vendor clouds using dwarf benchmarks. Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2012: 13th International Conference Paphos, Cyprus, November 28–30, Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7651, 2012. pp. 659-665.
Phillips, S; Engen, V; Papay, J. Snow White clouds and the Seven Dwarfs. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2011), Greece.8 p.
Boniface, M; Nasser, B; Papay, J; Phillips, S; Servin, A; Zlatev, Z; Yang, Kevin X; Katsaros, G; Konstanteli, K; Kousiouris, G.; Menychtas, A.; Kyriazis, D.; Gogouvitis,S. Platform-as-a-service architecture for real-time quality of service management in clouds. Internet and Web Applications and Services: ICIW 2010 Fifth International Conference, Spain.6 p.
Kousiouris, G; Checconi, F; Mazzett, A; Zlatev, Z; Papay, J; Voith, T; Kyriazis, D. Distributed Interactive Real-time Multimedia Applications: A Sampling and Analysis Framework. Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems, WATERS 2010.
Middleton, S; Servin, A; Zlatev, Z; Nasser, B; Papay, J; Boniface, M. Experiences using the UML profile for MARTE to stochastically model postproduction interactive applications. eChallenges 2010 Conference Proceedings, Poland.
Miles, S; Papay, J; Payne, T; Decker K; Moreau, L. Towards a Protocol for the Attachment of Semantic Descriptions to Grid Services. The Second European Across Grids Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2004, pp. 230-239, published by Springer.
Miles, S; Papay, J; Luck, M; Moreau, L. Implementing Policy Management through BDI. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI: Proceedings of the Twenty-third SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, 2004, pp. 144-156, published by Springer.
Lord, P; Wroe, C; Stevens, R; Goble, C; Miles, S; Moreau, L; Decker, K; Payne, T; Papay, J. Semantic and Personalised Service Discovery. Proceedings of WI/IAT 2003 Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence, Halifax, Canada, January 2003, pp. 100-107, published by Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Saint Mary's University, Halifax.
Hey, T; Papay, J; Keane, A; Cox, S. (2002). Component Based Problem Solving Environment. Euro-Par 2002 Parallel Processing, pp.105-112.
Zemerly, M. J; Kerbyson, D. J; Papaefstathiou, Ziani, E; R; Papay, J; Atherton, T. J; Nudd, G. R; Characterising Computational Kernels to Predict Performance on Parallel Systems. Proc. World Transputer Congress 94, Como, Italy, 5-7 September 1994, pp.105-119.
Conference Contributions - Other
Boardman, R; Crouch, S; Mills, H; Newhouse, S; Papay, J. Towards Grid Interoperability. All Hands Meeting 2007, OMII-UK Workshop, UK.
Bradley, J; Brown, C; Carpenter, B; Chang, V; Crisp, J; Crouch, S; De Roure, D; Newhouse, S; Li, G; Papay, J; Walker, C; Wookey, A. The OMII Software Distribution. Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006.
Wroe, C; Lord, P; Miles, S; Papay, J; Moreau, L; Goble, C. Recycling Services and Workflows through Discovery and Reuse. Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, Nottingham, UK, August 2004, pp. 622-629, published by EPSRC.
Papay, J; Miles, S; Luck, M; Moreau, L; and T. Payne, T. Principles of Personalisation of Service Discovery. Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, Nottingham, UK, August 2004, pp. 139-146, published by EPSRC.
Miles, S; Papay, J; Dialani, V; Luck, M; Decker, K; Payne, T; Moreau, L. Personalised Grid Service Discovery, Proceedings of the 19th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW 2003), University of Warwick, UK, July 2003, pp. 131-140, published by WarwickPrint.
Moreau, L; Miles, S; Papay, J; Decker, K; Payne, T. Publishing Semantic Descriptions of Services. GGF9 Semantic Grid Workshop, Chicago IL, USA, pp.48-55.
Lord, P; Wroe, C; Stevens, R; Goble, C; Miles, S; Moreau, L; Decker, K; Payne, T; Papay, J. Semantic and personalised service discovery. UK OST e-Science Second All Hands Meeting 2003 (AHM'2003).
G.R.Nudd, E.Papaefstathiou, J.Papay, T.J.Atherton, C.T.Clarke, D.J.Kerbyson, A.F.Stratton, R.Ziani, M.J.Zemerly. A Layered Approach to the Characterisation of Parallel Systems for Performance Prediction, in Proc. of Performance Evaluation of Parallel Systems (PEPS'93), University of Warwick, November 1993, pp.26-34.
G.R. Nudd, T.J. Atherton, D.J. Kerbyson, C.T. Clarke, J. Papay, E. Papaefstathiou, R. Ziani, J. Zemerly. Assessing the Performance of Parallel Computers - PEPS (ESPRIT 6942), In: Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Abstract Machine Models for Highly Parallel Computers, University of Leeds, April 1993.
G.R. Nudd, T.J. Atherton, D.J. Kerbyson, E. Papaefstathiou, J. Papay, M.J. Zemerly, R. Ziani. Parallel Computers: The Performance Quest, In: Proc of Developing Parallel Engineering Applications, SERC EASE, Abingdon, UK, pp. 29-32, February 1993.
M.J. Zemerly, D.J. Kerbyson, E. Papaefstathiou, R. Ziani, J. Papay, T.J. Atherton, G.R. Nudd. Characterising computational kernels to predict performance of parallel systems, in: A.D. Gloria, M.R. Jane, and D. Marini, eds., Transputer Applications and Systems '94, pp.105-119, 1994