The CoSeC Steering Committee oversees the EPSRC-funded part of CoSeC that consists of the activities funded by EPSRC through a service level agreement (SLA) with STFC’s Scientific Computing Department (SCD). Currently, (June 2021) this programme provides computational science support to nine Collaborative Computational Projects (CCPs), and eight High End Computing (HECs) consortia, as well as to the communities that benefit from the Software Outlook programme. This programme, formerly known as the 'SLA programme' or 'Daresbury support', was re-launched in 2017 as part of CoSeC, which also encompasses activities that are not part of the SLA. These activities are the STFC-based support for CCP4, CCP-EM, funded by BBSRC and MRC, respectively, and are outside the remit of the CoSeC Steering committee.
The CoSeC Steering Committee convenes every six months together with representatives from EPSRC, STFC, Chairs of communities, and leaders of other main UK software infrastructure initiatives.The Steering Committee is responsible for steering the implementation of the SLA and reports to EPSRC. Its chair (currently Kris Thielemans) is chosen by EPSRC.
The remit of the Steering Committee is to coordinate with EPSRC and make subsequent recommendations about:
- The plans for allocation of the budget; taking into account any complementary revenues from other sources and their influence on the SLA programme;
- The content of the SLA;
- Evaluation of the SLA delivery;
- Priorities of the SLA within the programme itself and in the wider EPSRC funding environment.
During the meeting the Director of CoSeC (Dr. Barbara Montanari) presents a summary of the work carried out within the CoSeC-supported communities over the last (6 months) reporting period. Below are the slides presented at these meetings. They include the work of CCP4 and CCP-EM, general CoSeC-related information, and impact activities during the reporting period.