Our congratulations go to Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson on winning the 2017 Chemistry Nobel Prize "for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution":
The Collaborative Computational Project for electron cryo-electron microscopy (CCP-EM) supports users and developers in biological EM. The three principal aims are:
- Build a UK community for computational aspects of cryo-EM. Provide a focus for the cryo-EM community to interact with CCP4/CCPN, and the broader international community.
- Support the users of software for cryo-EM through dissemination of information on available software, and directed training.
- Support for software developers including porting, testing, and distribution of software.
The creation of CCP-EM was supported through a 3-year Partnership Grant from the MRC (MR/J000825/1), and continued support is provided through a new 5-year Partnership Grant from the MRC (MR/N009614/1).
Today’s Nobel Prize winner Professor Richard Henderson is a co-investigator on these grants and an invaluable mentor to efforts to develop this CCP in the growing area of biological cryo-EM.