CCP News Round-Up, January 2021
29 Jan 2021



Upcoming: a quantum computing colloqium, a new networking project, GPU Hackathons, and the first SARS-Cov2 tracking database






The Collaborative Computational Project for quantum computing (CCP-QC) is holding a minicolloqium in the large international conference covering all aspects of condensed matter physics - CMD29​. It is the 29th in the series of General conferences of the Condensed Matter Division ​of the European Physical Society, organized together with the Institute of Physic​​s. Originally scheduled for August this year, it has now been postponed until 21-26 August 2022​.

CCP-QC's participation is part funded by ​itself, and sponsored by ​​CCP5​, ​CCP9​(computational electronic structure of condensed matter) and ​CECAM​ (Centre Europeé​n de Calcul ​Atomique et Molé​culaire).


Over the past 40 years the UK's molecular modelling community, supported by the software, training and networking activities coordinated by CCP5, (the CCP for computer simulation of condensed phases)​​ has become an international leader in this field. Building upon these successes, the new CCP5++ network will revolutionise the field of materials molecular modelling creating a new integrated community of modellers, experimentalists and data scientists that together will identify the new frontiers of the field and will transform the way these disciplines work together.​

Chaired by Professor Paola Carbone (The University of Manchester) CCP5++ will coordinate and support an ambitious plan of meetings, sandpits, coding workshops, secondments and visitor schemes to cater for the large community of modellers, experimentalists and data scientists working on advanced materials. This support has proved to be vital to enable the UK condensed matter community to attain and maintain an international position at the forefront of such an intensely competitive field, and it will enable the UK researchers to identify and tackle major world challenges for in silico materials discovery.

The network membership includes key representatives of the experimental and data science communities, international software and modelling institutes, industrial collaborators and national HPC (high performance computing) consortia and CCPs, that, working together will shape the future of materials molecular modelling.​

CCP5++ is due to launch in September 2021 for an initial 3-year funding period. For further information contact Dr. Alin Elena​.

GPU_hackathons.PNG in Europe 2021

In 2019, CoSeC's Dr Jony Castagna helped with the UK GPU Hackathon and although this year Jony is busy on other projects, CoSeC nevertheless wholeheartedly promotes this year's GPU Hackathon program. Aiming to help scientists, researchers and developers to accelerate and optimize their applications on GPUs, the hackathons are four day intensive hands-on events designed to help computational scientists port their applications to GPUs using libraries, OpenACC, CUDA and other tools by pairing participants with dedicated mentors experienced in GPU programming and development. 

 Domain scientists are paired with experienced GPU mentors to learn the critical accelerated and parallel computing skills needed by the scientific community.

Today, more than 1800 domain experts from premier universities, research centers, and high performance computing centers around the world have been trained and over 400 scientific applications have been ported in part or completely to GPUs.

Throughout this year there will be multiple GPU Hackathons taking place in Europe: the next one takes place at EPCC, Edinburgh and the deadline to apply is 19 February.​ 

Don't miss your chance to attend one of ​these GPU Hackathons and work with experts to get the latest updates on programming models, best practices and tools for using and optimizing your codes on GPU!  Full schedule​

SiteDatesSubmission Deadline
EPCCApril 19,26-28Feb 19th
IDRISMay 17,25-27March 17th
CINECAJune 14,21-23April 14th
CSCSSep 20,28-30July 13th
ENCCSDec 7,14-16Oct 6th


Contact: Geatches, Dawn (STFC,DL,SC)