Brian is currently leader of the Open Data Systems Group, within Data Division.
Brian leads a team with expertise in providing data infrastructure to support
open scientific research, working on a range of research, development and production
projects, concentrating on advance management, engineering, curation and
analysis of scientific data. He leads the DAFNI project, developing an integrated data and modelling
platform for research into National Infrastructure. He is also
Co-Investigator and Technical Lead on the EPSRC Physical Science Data-Science
Service, providing access to data resources for UK researchers.
Brian has 30 years of experience of R&D in a wide range of aspects of computer science and
information technology, particularly as it applies to the management, preservation and
analysis of scientific data and access to compute resources. He has worked in areas such
as: formal methods for software engineering and data modelling; web technology, including
developing the SKOS recommendation within the W3C; grid and distributed systems,
including security; scientific data management, data and software preservation. He has
working in close collaboration with STFC supported facilities (DLS, ISIS, CLF), where he played
a leading role in the design and deployment of the ICAT experimental data catalogue.
Brian has also been engaged in in European programmes, including the European Open Science
Cloud, building a common data infrastructure for European Research. He was part of the
coordination team of the EOSC-Pilot project, has a leading role in a number of other
EOSC projects, including FREYA, FAIRsFAIR and most recently ExPaNDS, where he is
leading a work package on Enabling FAIR data for national photon and neutron facilities.
Brian has a PhD in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow (1996), exploring theorem proving systems using
equational reasoning. Brian held a part-time lectureship at Oxford Brookes University between 2002-2015,
teaching XML and Semantic Web on MSc on Web technologies.. He was deputy manager of the W3C Office for the
UK and Ireland (2001-2010). He has been a Fellow of the British Computer Society since 2015.